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“All We Have Is All We Need”

“All We Have Is All We Need”

Carlin Bear Dont Walk
Oil on Canvas
36 x 36 x 2 inches (L x W x D)

“Chasing Tomorrows Dreams”

“Chasing Tomorrows Dreams”

Carlin Bear Dont Walk
Oil on Canvas
36 x 48 x 2 inches (L x W x D)

“Distant Visions”

“Distant Visions”

Carlin Bear Dont Walk
Oil on Canvas
18 x 24 x 1 inches (L x W x D)

“Fearless Forever “

“Fearless Forever “

Carlin Bear Dont Walk
Oil on Canvas
30 x 24 x 2 inches (L x W x D)

“Heart Of All Creation “

“Heart Of All Creation “

Carlin Bear Dont Walk
Oil on Canvas
47 x 33 x 2 inches (L x W x D)

“Infinite Wisdom”

“Infinite Wisdom”

Carlin Bear Dont Walk
Oil on Canvas
20 x 16 x 1 inches (L x W x D)

“Last Outlaw Of The Old Ways”

“Last Outlaw Of The Old Ways”

Carlin Bear Dont Walk
Oil on Canvas
36 x 24 x 2 inches (L x W x D)

“Lurking In The Willows”

“Lurking In The Willows”

Carlin Bear Dont Walk
Oil on Canvas
48 x 36 x 2 inches (L x W x D)

“Memories That Live Forever”

“Memories That Live Forever”

Carlin Bear Dont Walk
Oil on Canvas
36 x 24 x 2 inches (L x W x D)

“September Sunflower “

“September Sunflower “

Carlin Bear Dont Walk
Oil on Canvas
30 x 24 x 1 inches (L x W x D)

“Unbroken Spirits “

“Unbroken Spirits “

Carlin Bear Dont Walk
Oil on Canvas
40 x 30 x 2 inches (L x W x D)

“What Waits Beyond The Light”

“What Waits Beyond The Light”

Carlin Bear Dont Walk
Oil on Canvas
24 x 18 x 1 inches (L x W x D)



Carlin Bear Dont Walk
Oil on Canvas
30 x 24 x 1 inches (L x W x D)