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Hail Storm

Hail Storm

John Isaiah Pepion
Ink on Antique Document
7.5 x 12 inches (L x W)
Framed: 15.5 x 19.75″

Piikani Country

Piikani Country

John Isaiah Pepion
Ink and Colored Pencil on Antique Document
17 x 24 inches (L x W)
Framed: 27.5 x 35"

Traditional Dancer

Traditional Dancer

John Isaiah Pepion
Ink on Antique Document
16 x 11 inches (L x W)
Framed: 25 x 19″

Warrior in Split Horn Headdress

Warrior in Split Horn Headdress

John Isaiah Pepion
Ink on Antique Document
9 x 4 inches (L x W)
Framed: 16.5 x 11.5″

Whirlwind Dreams

Whirlwind Dreams

John Isaiah Pepion
Ink and Watercolor on Antique Document
15.25 x 6 inches (L x W)
Framed: 23 x 13.5"

Wolf Chief

Wolf Chief

John Isaiah Pepion
Ink on Antique Document
9 x 4 inches (L x W)
Framed: 16.5 x 11.5″