Hand carved Zuni stone fetish carvings

Hand carved Zuni stone fetish carvings

Zuni fetishes
Hand carved bear fetish carvings by various Zuni carvers

Hand coiled clay jar

Hand coiled clay jar

Russell Sanchez
6 x 4 inches (L x W)
Hand coiled fish lidded avanyu jar with 3 strands of hematite heishi and Kingman turquoise (the eye) Twisted and ribbed neck and bottom - traditionally fired outdoors

Hand coiled clay jar

Hand coiled clay jar

Dextra Quotksuyva
3.75 x 8 inches (L x W)
Hand coiled pennant designed polychrome bowl - all natural materials and techniques - fired traditionally outdoors (2006)

Hand coiled clay jar

Hand coiled clay jar

Linda Tafoya Sanchez
8.5 x 9 inches (L x W)
Hand coiled black carved and polished feather jar with scalloped lip - traditional outdoor firing

Hand coiled clay jar

Hand coiled clay jar

Steve Lucas
6 x 9 inches (L x W)
Traditional Hopi polychrome bowl - traditionally fired outdoors

Hand coiled clay jar

Hand coiled clay jar

Johnathan Naranjo
Hand coiled brown jar - incised with owls - traditionally fired

Hand coiled clay jar

Hand coiled clay jar

Erik Fender
5.5 x 5.75 inches (L x W)
Hand coiled black on black egg shaped avanyu jar - traditionally fired outdoors

Hand coiled clay jar

Hand coiled clay jar

Jody Naranjo
9 x 6.5 x 6 inches (L x W x D)
Hand coiled and traditionally fired brown and tan jar called "Shared Stories" Jody has incised many of her symbols and images onto this one jar -

Hand coiled clay miniature

Hand coiled clay miniature

Dolores Curran
3 x 1.75 inches (L x W)
Hand coiled, slipped and carved red polychrome bear lidded miniature jar - Traditionally fired

Hand coiled clay miniature

Hand coiled clay miniature

Nancy Youngblood
3 x 3 inches (L x W)
Hand coiled black carved double sided min canteen - shell on one side and avanyu on the other - carved stopped and braided strap

Hand coiled clay miniature

Hand coiled clay miniature

Delores Juanico
Hand coiled and traditionally fired - Acoma miniature bowls - painted with all natural pigments and slips

Hand coiled traditional water jar

Hand coiled traditional water jar

Russell Sanchez
9 x 9 inches (L x W)
Large hand coiled classic San Ildefonso water jar shape - polychrome designed with incised sun face and birds, embedded heishi - traditionally fired

handmade jewelry

handmade jewelry

Kee Yazzie
sterling silver
2 x 2 inches (L x W)
Handmade sterling silver round pendant with double avanyu design and red coral